Teach Children to Save South Africa (TCTS SA) is a national savings programme which was piloted in July 2008. After the successful launch and national interest generated by this generic financial literacy initiative it was adopted as an annual programme of the South African banking industry and broader financial sector, under the auspices of Consumer Financial Education, as an enabler of access, inclusive development and transformation.The aim of TCTS SA is to teach children to save, foster a culture of saving and to promote volunteerism. TCTS SA highlights the important role that volunteer bankers/financial sector professionals can play in educating our nation’s youth to become lifelong savers. About the activity booklet The Department of Basic Education supports the TCTS SA activity booklets. They cover specific aspects of the content in the Economic and Management Sciences (EMS) curriculum, as given in the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS).

Acknowledgements:• National Department of Basic Education• Gauteng Department of Education• Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)• National Credit Regulator (NCR)• Operation HOPE• South African Banking Risk Information Centre (SABRIC)

Opportunities for curriculum integration During 2013, Economic and Management Sciences for Grade 7 will still follow the 2005 Revised National Curriculum Statement, therefore the Learning Outcomes and Assessment Standards listed below are relevant to the activities. From 2014...the new curriculum (CAPS) will be taught. The activities will help learners to work towards the following Learning Outcomes and Assessment Standards (EMS Grade 7):Sustainable growth and developmentThe learner will be able to demonstrate an understanding of sustainable growth, reconstruction and development, and to reflect critically on related processes AS3: Compares and discusses the difference between savings and investments [Activities 2,] Managerial, consumer and financial knowledge and skillsThe learner will be able to demonstrate knowledge and the ability to apply responsibly a range of managerial, consumer and financial skillsAS4: Discusses the use of technology in telecommunication services (e.g. cell phones) and financial transactions (e.g. ATM, Internet) in improving administration, communication and access to information [Activity 3]Entrepreneurial knowledge and skillsThe learner will be able to demonstrate entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and attitudes AS4: Runs a business event using one or two of the ideas or opportunities identified in a questionnaire that had been designed [Activity 4],  AS5: Designs posters or other materials to advertise own business venture [Activity 4].1  

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